"When I Started my career as a young facial plastic surgeon 30 years ago, dealing with the ageing process of the face was essentially limited to face lifts – as in using the knife – and mainly concerned patients over the age of 50. At that time, I coined the phrase “Ageing-Maintenance”. At that stage, it was more of a vision or wishful thinking than a reality." Fortunately, the last 30 years have been amazing. Advances in biotechnology and laser tech have resulted in collagen injections; hyaluronic acid fillers; fat transfer treatments; Botox®; plasma and growth factors injections and stem cell extracts from fat. Understanding the physiopathology of the ageing process of the face helps recognise the inadequacy of the face lifts of the 70s and 80s, which pulls the skin to its maximum without lifting the muscles and without restoring volume. Since the 90s, with the focus on the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) and the restoration of fat volume, the face lift has addressed the real needs of the ageing face with the most natural results.