These are the products of the hair-obsessed. Oribe Hair Care was founded by renowned editorial and celebrity hairstylist Oribe and beauty industry veterans Daniel Kaner and Tev Finger with the goal of creating a new kind of hair company, one that was designed with the most talented salon professionals and the most discriminating customers in mind. When developing the line, they didn’t want to compromise on any detail. They leveraged skin care technology and natural actives to deliver high-performance, treatment-based products—all while never forgetting that healthy hair is the underpinning for sexy, glamorous styling.
Copyright 2025 - Neos 1911 - Netscent srl - P.Iva e CF. 07836881214 - REA NA-913549 - Cap:Soc. € 16.000.00 i.v.
Corso Trieste 78 - 81100 Caserta - Phone +39 0823 210457- Italy
Corso Trieste 78 - 81100 Caserta - Phone +39 0823 210457- Italy
